Book Recommendations

Dive into our curated collection of free book suggestions for children of all ages. From timeless classics to contemporary favorites, our selection is designed to ignite a passion for reading and learning. Whether you're a parent, educator, or young reader yourself, you'll find something to spark your imagination and cultivate a love for books. Start exploring now and embark on a literary journey that lasts a lifetime!

The books are categorised by age, and regularly updated so that you have everything you need for an enriching reading experience. Start exploring now and let the adventure begin!
FYI, we send out a fresh set of recommendations, directly to your inbox, twice each month - in our most loved bimonthly newsletter (also free!)

0-4 years

4-7 years

7-10 years

9-12 years

Kindergarten Unit 1: Me and My World Kindergarten Unit 2: Math and English in Everyday Life Kindergarten Unit 3: Appreciating Nature, Sports, and Review Complete Kindergarten Set - Units 1, 2, and 3 Kindergarten-1st Grade Bridge Curriculum


Brings Joy Learning K-1 Curriculum

Browse through the Kindergarten and First Grade sets of our interdisciplinary curriculum made for busy parents and curious kids. Free shipping available.

Kindergarten First Grade